Stuffed animal goats, like the animals on which they are based, are very gentle and are only too happy to be groomed. Even rams, who are known to be a bit more aggressive, are also up for a cuddle party in their plushie form. Both species are related to stuffed animal sheep, which may explain why these horned even-toed mammals do not shy away from a cuddle session either.
Buy a Stuffed Animal Goat or Rams
Here are some of the cutest, most lovable plushie goats and rams! These cuties will redirect you to our partner site; buying a stuffed animal through our website helps us support the conservation of the world’s wild cat population.
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Goat and Ram plushie characteristics
At the petting zoo, in addition to chickens, cows and donkeys, you can often encounter both goats and rams. Although they are quite similar, there are distinct differences, such as their fur and horns. First of all, the ram is a male sheep. They have large heads with large horns, which gives them a very tough look. In addition, they tend to be very stubborn and you should not be surprised when they bump into you if you get in their way.
Goats, on the other hand, are not directly related to sheep and tend to be a bit smaller. They are herbivores and eat mainly grasses and herbs. Goats can live in a variety of environments, from urban gardens to hilly areas.
As for plushies based on these animals, fortunately both are equally gentle. Both goat plushies and ram plushies are social animals that live together in groups. They have a close bond in which they rescue and protect each other. Stuffed animal goats and rams also love to cuddle.
Famous Goats and Rams (available as stuffed animals)
Despite the fact that goats and rams are popular as plushies, there are very few famous (fictional) goats and rams. Most famous goat originated at Walt Disney Animation Studios. Disney gave the goat a prominent role a number of times: one of their most famous goats is Djali, Esmeralda’s gypsy goat from The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996). In addition, the studio created Jeb, a pessimistic, grumpy old goat, for Home on the Range (2004). Lastly, we can also partly count trainer Philoctetes from the film Hercules (1997), as the Greek Satyr is half man, half goat.
Neither Djali or Philoctetes was an original creation: both characters appeared in other works long before the animated films were made. However, Walt Disney Animation Studios did ensure that both were immortalized as stuffed animals.
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