Directed by Lee Toland Krieger, 2012.
Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012) is the kind of romantic movie that the big film studios will never make. As with many couples, Celeste and Jesse’s relationship is one that looks like it will last forever… Until you get to the second scene. Then, upon the third scene, you realize what this movie is really about. It’s always refreshing to see a ‘rom-com’ movie that rises above the perverted Hollywood clichés connected to the term. Celeste & Jesse Forever breaks with the classic structure of the romantic comedy and bends its storyline in a different direction; one that is solidified by main actress Rashida Jones’ personal connection to the movie. Even without peaking at the credits, it becomes very obvious that for this film, Jones did her own writing.
What robs Celeste & Jesse Forever of its strength a bit though, is the small amount of screen time given to the character Veronica, Jesse’s Belgian ‘plus one’. While trying to save her audience from the god-awful cliché’d ‘horrible-new-girlfriend-of-the-main-characters’-ex’-plotline, Jones forgets that it might be important to actually get to know something about this new girl to be able to estimate the strength and reality of Jesse’s new relationship. The Facebook scene partially makes up this gap in the storyline though. Eventually, by choosing Celeste & Jesse Forever you’re guaranteed to have a better night than your friends who just decided to stick to Hollywood’s three-act popcorn love.
P.S.: Once you find out who was Jones’ co-writer on this movie after you watch it, you’ll like the film even more.

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Content creator Pim Razenberg is an experienced traveler who’s been roaming the planet for many years. After a stint in the Dutch film industry, he lived and worked in Romania, the United Kingdom, and Thailand. Pim is currently working in the Netherlands, bringing creative new projects to fruition and writing a novel detailing his journeys across the world.